Revolution Inside My Skull

I learnt to be a sober ,
Patient ,
Polite guy ,
That I was never before .

I learnt to live a life with a smile ,
And sometimes
Just faking it –
Making the environment dramatically hypnotized .

I learnt to accept .
I learnt to have faith

And keep calm and quite .
I had it all .
But , still
The buds were covered up
With the thick layers
Of my kiddish nature .

It was hard to believe ,
Harder to understand
“Don’t ask me to accept your thoughts”
Cause, I was unable to reach the level of maturity

You were thinking of .
Tried to conceal the leakage of my own heaven
I didn’t want a change .

I tried holding the collar tight
Moving forward ,finding a way
Through the cold stormy nights .

Life is just a discrete road
Die and live, die and live .

What am I now ?
More like a man ?
“I don’t know .”
*Feeling a kind of kiddish shy –
hiding my face ,don’t wanna show .*

I enjoy every little moments
With a surprise
Not a single one is alike !

What a beauty
In a drop of morning dew ,
The blue sky
And in the dark black of your eye .

I realize
I was wrong
It was my fault .
No one is perfect
And I don’t claim to be “THE ONE” .

Time heals the past .
We move on ,
Even standing at the same place
For so long .

And they said ,”feelings never change “.
“Keep hope” and “dedicate”.
But I know a insecure mind
Sucking all the Blood to taste the life .   

I know ,
Nothing is going to work anymore …
Need one more ‘ Last revolution ‘.


Trust yourself and don’t give importance to someone who doesn’t even give values to your dreams in real .

They don’t deserve in your life doesn’t matter what is your faults and her/his qualities .

It’s like a challenge . If you don’t stay with yourself none can help you .
LOve yourself more and the word will be a new world for you and you will get a dreamy vision . Maybe you will feel that you are the source of confidence of yourself .

WHat others think about you doesn’t matter . BE cool and smart . Don’t be an asshole . 
